A little about me: I'm an educator and director of an online school. I've worked in the field of education for 28 years. Being a teacher is hard, y'all!!! I have two adult sons who are my world. I have a passion for going to concerts, gardening, landscaping, cooking, and lovin' on my family every chance I get. I established TAKAbout It in 2023 because I knew I had to share all things health and wellness with the masses.

My Health Story: On May 23, 2021, all my family gathered at my parent’s house. Some of us hadn’t seen each other in well over a year. Of course, that meant it was picture time. I was so embarrassed when I saw the picture of me with my kids. So embarrassed that I made my sister take it again at another angle. Basically, that meant with my gut sucked in, hiding behind my son, and from a higher angle to hide my double chin.

I was furious at myself for letting my weight get out of control. I was sick and tired of making excuses for gaining so much weight. The day I was sick to death with myself, I grabbed a box and filled it with every bit of the snack food in my kitchen. I sent it to my ex-husband’s house…lol.

Fast forward to today…..I’m down 34 pounds and feel better than I have in a very long time. I believe wholeheartedly that I'm healthier than I've been in decades. Changing my focus from losing weight to getting healthy is what has led to my success. I'm excited to share more of my journey but I'm more excited to be part of so many healthy transformations. Helping others is my purpose. Are you ready to get started?

Extra! Extra! Read All About It

"Life has changed so much in the past three years. My entire health journey started with a simple healthy drink. When my body was flooded with superfoods, antioxidants, ionic minerals, and tons of other nutrients, the change started to happen. That was just the beginning! I hit 50 feeling the best I have in decades."

~ Dawn Stafford


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